La Mission Haut Brion 1990

Robert Parker
Reminiscing over the 1989 and 1990 vintages, which I have followed from birth, there always seemed to be a dramatic difference in quality. Not that the 1990 was not a top wine, but in its infancy, I never thought it would come close to being as riveting and magnetic as its older sibling, the 1989. However, it has proven to be nearly as prodigious. One of the hottest years in Bordeaux, 1990, a vintage of enormous yields, even dwarfing yields in 1985 and 1982, produced a fabulously open-knit, seemingly fast track La Mission that, at age 22, shows no signs of fading or losing its grip. The color is slightly more mature and evolved than the 1989’s, exhibiting a lighter rim and a less dark blue/ruby/purple hue. Classic La Mission-Haut-Brion aromatics of camphor, licorice, scorched earth, hot bricks, barbecue, cassis, blueberry and kirsch are well displayed. Broad, expansive, velvety-textured and opulent with high glycerin and perhaps slightly higher alcohol (I don’t have the statistics to verify that), the 1990 is as delicious and open-knit as the 1989, with less density and possibly less potential longevity. Most 1990s have been quick to reach full maturity, and as brilliant as they can be, they need to be monitored carefully by owners. Currently in late adolescence, but close to full maturity, the 1990 should hold in a cold cellar for another 15-20 years. However, it is a fabulous wine to inspect, taste and consume, so why wait?

Neal Martin
The Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1990 continues its epic trajectory. Here tasted in Holland, it has a scintillating bouquet with blackberry, black olive, warm gravel and touches of autumnal woodland that is just beautifully defined and gains momentum with each passing swirl of the glass. The palate is just wonderfully balanced, here with a slightly more powdery texture than before, but there is immense weight on the peacock's tail finish. This is a glorious La Mission and you know what? I think it is going to get even better. Tasted June 2014.

Château La Mission Haut-Brion har rødder tilbage til 1500-tallet. Den moderne æra begyndte for slottet i 1919, da den amerikanske familie, Woltners, købte slottet. De forblev ejere frem til 1983, hvor de solgte slottet til Clarence Dillon, ejeren af naboslottet - det ikoniske Château Haut-Brion. Kort efter opkøbet, genplantede Clarence store dele af vinmarken. Efterfølgende byggede han en ny vinkælder som stod færdig i 1987, med nyere gennemførte renoveringer i 2007. I 2009 gennemgik Liv-Ex, den førende globale markedsplads for fine vine, 1855-klassificeringen for at skabe en ny klassificering for Bordeauxvine. Her blev ​​Château La Mission Haut-Brion medtaget som en Premier Cru-vin!

Ifølge Rober Parker, er La Mission Haut-Brion en af de bedste vine i verden. I Vintage Profile skrev han: "I min personlige samling har jeg flere flasker La Mission Haut-Brion end nogen anden vin i verden. La Mission har været en af ​​de bedste vine i lang tid, og en af ​​de mest konstante, hvad angår kvalitet.”

Det smukke Bordeauxslot strækker sig over 29 hektar, med 25 hektar røde druer: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon og Cabernet Franc. De sidste 4 hektar er reserveret til hvidvinsproduktion, med Sémillon og Sauvignon Blanc. Druerne håndhøstes i nattetimerne før daggry, da de kølige temperaturer er med til at bibeholde syren i druerne og minimere risikoen for oxidering. Druerne gennemgår en nådesløs selektering i mark og kælder, inden druerne presses. Vinen fra Château La Mission Haut-Brion har høstet 100P et utal af gange, og er et samlerobjekt for de største bordeaux-elskere, med årtiers lagringspotentiale.

Robert Parker
Reminiscing over the 1989 and 1990 vintages, which I have followed from birth, there always seemed to be a dramatic difference in quality. Not that the 1990 was not a top wine, but in its infancy, I never thought it would come close to being as riveting and magnetic as its older sibling, the 1989. However, it has proven to be nearly as prodigious. One of the hottest years in Bordeaux, 1990, a vintage of enormous yields, even dwarfing yields in 1985 and 1982, produced a fabulously open-knit, seemingly fast track La Mission that, at age 22, shows no signs of fading or losing its grip. The color is slightly more mature and evolved than the 1989’s, exhibiting a lighter rim and a less dark blue/ruby/purple hue. Classic La Mission-Haut-Brion aromatics of camphor, licorice, scorched earth, hot bricks, barbecue, cassis, blueberry and kirsch are well displayed. Broad, expansive, velvety-textured and opulent with high glycerin and perhaps slightly higher alcohol (I don’t have the statistics to verify that), the 1990 is as delicious and open-knit as the 1989, with less density and possibly less potential longevity. Most 1990s have been quick to reach full maturity, and as brilliant as they can be, they need to be monitored carefully by owners. Currently in late adolescence, but close to full maturity, the 1990 should hold in a cold cellar for another 15-20 years. However, it is a fabulous wine to inspect, taste and consume, so why wait?

Neal Martin
The Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1990 continues its epic trajectory. Here tasted in Holland, it has a scintillating bouquet with blackberry, black olive, warm gravel and touches of autumnal woodland that is just beautifully defined and gains momentum with each passing swirl of the glass. The palate is just wonderfully balanced, here with a slightly more powdery texture than before, but there is immense weight on the peacock's tail finish. This is a glorious La Mission and you know what? I think it is going to get even better. Tasted June 2014.

Château La Mission Haut-Brion har rødder tilbage til 1500-tallet. Den moderne æra begyndte for slottet i 1919, da den amerikanske familie, Woltners, købte slottet. De forblev ejere frem til 1983, hvor de solgte slottet til Clarence Dillon, ejeren af naboslottet - det ikoniske Château Haut-Brion. Kort efter opkøbet, genplantede Clarence store dele af vinmarken. Efterfølgende byggede han en ny vinkælder som stod færdig i 1987, med nyere gennemførte renoveringer i 2007. I 2009 gennemgik Liv-Ex, den førende globale markedsplads for fine vine, 1855-klassificeringen for at skabe en ny klassificering for Bordeauxvine. Her blev ​​Château La Mission Haut-Brion medtaget som en Premier Cru-vin!

Ifølge Rober Parker, er La Mission Haut-Brion en af de bedste vine i verden. I Vintage Profile skrev han: "I min personlige samling har jeg flere flasker La Mission Haut-Brion end nogen anden vin i verden. La Mission har været en af ​​de bedste vine i lang tid, og en af ​​de mest konstante, hvad angår kvalitet.”

Det smukke Bordeauxslot strækker sig over 29 hektar, med 25 hektar røde druer: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon og Cabernet Franc. De sidste 4 hektar er reserveret til hvidvinsproduktion, med Sémillon og Sauvignon Blanc. Druerne håndhøstes i nattetimerne før daggry, da de kølige temperaturer er med til at bibeholde syren i druerne og minimere risikoen for oxidering. Druerne gennemgår en nådesløs selektering i mark og kælder, inden druerne presses. Vinen fra Château La Mission Haut-Brion har høstet 100P et utal af gange, og er et samlerobjekt for de største bordeaux-elskere, med årtiers lagringspotentiale.

Producent Château La Mission Haut Brion
DruerCabernet Franc
Robert Parker99
Neal Martin97+