Pintia 2017 Dobbeltmagnum

Robert Parker
Toro (almost) didn't suffer the frost of 2017 that decimated Ribera del Duero, and in that early harvest, the grapes for the 2017 Pintia were picked between September 6th and 17th trying to keep the freshness and acidity. They also did a softer extraction, reduced the percentage of wine that went through malolactic in barrel and used less American oak for the élevage, trying to achieve a more elegant wine. Still the wine is ripe, juicy, round and powerful at 15% alcohol, with a mellow palate with a pH of 3.9 and 4.5 grams of acidity. The wine matured in new and used oak barrels for 12 months. It feels quite fresh and harmonious, not showing any heat, not as fresh and atypical as 2016. It keeps the poise and the balance and has abundant but fine tannins. These wines repay time in bottle, and even if approachable now, it should get better with time. It's like a refined version of the 2015. 

Spaniens vel nok mest berømte vingård Bodegas Vega Sicilia så et stort potentiale i et andet nordspansk vinområde - nemlig Toro. Med tårnhøje forventninger og en stor pose penge, købte man 96 ha vinmarker, og skabte ejendommen Pintia. Pintia skulle inden for få år blive et af området bedste vingårde, og allerede med deres første årgang, 2001, placerede de sig i toppen, og har nærmest kun hævet niveauet siden da. Det lave udbytte, hårde klima og nænsom behandling fra vinmager Xavier Ausás López de Castro giver vine med stor intensitet og karakter. Vinen er lavet på tinta del toro, bedre kendt som tempranillo, og tilbringer 12-15 måneder på franske og amerikanske fade. De byder på en komplet og særdeles kraftig vin. Dyb rubinrød med komplekse aromaer af mørke skovbær, vanilje, læder og tobak.

Robert Parker
Toro (almost) didn't suffer the frost of 2017 that decimated Ribera del Duero, and in that early harvest, the grapes for the 2017 Pintia were picked between September 6th and 17th trying to keep the freshness and acidity. They also did a softer extraction, reduced the percentage of wine that went through malolactic in barrel and used less American oak for the élevage, trying to achieve a more elegant wine. Still the wine is ripe, juicy, round and powerful at 15% alcohol, with a mellow palate with a pH of 3.9 and 4.5 grams of acidity. The wine matured in new and used oak barrels for 12 months. It feels quite fresh and harmonious, not showing any heat, not as fresh and atypical as 2016. It keeps the poise and the balance and has abundant but fine tannins. These wines repay time in bottle, and even if approachable now, it should get better with time. It's like a refined version of the 2015. 

Spaniens vel nok mest berømte vingård Bodegas Vega Sicilia så et stort potentiale i et andet nordspansk vinområde - nemlig Toro. Med tårnhøje forventninger og en stor pose penge, købte man 96 ha vinmarker, og skabte ejendommen Pintia. Pintia skulle inden for få år blive et af området bedste vingårde, og allerede med deres første årgang, 2001, placerede de sig i toppen, og har nærmest kun hævet niveauet siden da. Det lave udbytte, hårde klima og nænsom behandling fra vinmager Xavier Ausás López de Castro giver vine med stor intensitet og karakter. Vinen er lavet på tinta del toro, bedre kendt som tempranillo, og tilbringer 12-15 måneder på franske og amerikanske fade. De byder på en komplet og særdeles kraftig vin. Dyb rubinrød med komplekse aromaer af mørke skovbær, vanilje, læder og tobak.

Producent Pintia
RegionCastilla León

Robert Parker
Toro (almost) didn't suffer the frost of 2017 that decimated Ribera del Duero, and in that early harvest, the grapes for the 2017 Pintia were picked between September 6th and 17th trying to keep the freshness and acidity. They also did a softer extraction, reduced the percentage of wine that went through malolactic in barrel and used less American oak for the élevage, trying to achieve a more elegant wine. Still the wine is ripe, juicy, round and powerful at 15% alcohol, with a mellow palate with a pH of 3.9 and 4.5 grams of acidity. The wine matured in new and used oak barrels for 12 months. It feels quite fresh and harmonious, not showing any heat, not as fresh and atypical as 2016. It keeps the poise and the balance and has abundant but fine tannins. These wines repay time in bottle, and even if approachable now, it should get better with time. It's like a refined version of the 2015. A triumph over the adverse conditions of the year. 204,240 bottles, 6,720 magnums and some larger formats produced. It was bottled in May 2019.